Parent/Carer Surveys

Parent/Carer Survey - July 2023


In July 2023, the Quality First Education Trust sent a survey to the parents and carers of all the schools in the Q1E Trust. Its purpose was to understand where we are doing well and where we can improve. Many Belleville families completed the survey and results from the survey are given below.

Of the responses, our parents and carers were very positive about the school with well over 80% strongly agreeing/agreeing with the following statements:

  • My child is happy at school.
  • My family feels welcome at school.
  • My child feels safe at school.
  • My child does well at this school.
  • There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school.
  • The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year.
  • The school lets me know how my child is doing.
  • The school supports my child's wider personal development.
  • My child enjoys playtime.
  • My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.
  • The school staff are helpful and answer my questions.
  • The newsletters and social media channels keep me informed about school activities.
  • The school's communications are clear and effective.
  • The information I need is easy to find on the school’s website.
  • I would recommend my school to another parent / carer.


We would like to thank all the parents and carers who took the time to complete the survey as the feedback is extremely valuable in our relentless drive for improvement, excellence, and equality. Here are some of the quotes that parents and carers provided:


I have nothing but amazing things to say about Belleville. The teachers are wonderfully kind, fun and excellent. They remind me of my favourite teachers from school. They have a wonderful energy.

My daughter has needed more support with her learning this year and we have been really pleased that this was quickly recognised and acted on in the form of intervention/small group work which has noticeably improved her confidence and attainment in those areas.

My children’s teachers are amazing. This year my children have really enjoyed coming to school and their confidence has grown so much especially in their learning and I feel that’s because of the relationship they have with their teachers.

We feel so fortunate to be part of the Belleville community and we are so grateful for everything you do for our daughter. Thank you all so much and have a wonderful summer.

We are very happy with the school and its role on our daughter’s development.

The teaching is excellent.

I recommend Belleville school, it’s the best one for my kids.

We are very grateful for the quality of teaching and care.

Your reception staff are all amazing! Thank you!

Teachers have been top notch and the standard of behaviour expected high.